Bienvenidos. That's spanish for "Pay Attention, Kiddies"

Posted by Phildo | Labels: ,

First of all, thanks for coming. I'm over here on Blogger while I get enough content and readership to eventually make the move to my own domain. Let's get you acquainted with what it is I'm trying to do here.

The idea for Your Headlights Are Out came to me in the way that all great ideas come to all great men: while on the toilet. Let's face it. The lightbulb? Edison wanted to read in the bathroom (another hallmark of a great man). Gravity? Let's just say Newton realized more than apples tended to fall in a downward direction. I think you get the point. Your Headlights Are Out was created with a duplicitous purpose, one facet of which is to allow me the forum to spout off whatever nonsense happens to be percolating inside my noggin'; the other to help me illustrate to the masses (or to the one or two people that will read this...until everyone reads this) that we, as a people, have developed the tendency to accept whatever slop is fed to us from the media and treat that like reality. And that's just not OK. Other topics to include: technology, celebrity-obsession, republicans, current events, current affairs (OMG! KATE GOSSELIN WAS IN A BIKINI WITH A MAN ON THE BEACH! I SAW IT ON ASHTON'S TWITTER!) and so on and so forth. But don't worry, this isn't going to be some Rush Limbaugh / Joe DemocraticFundamentalistson type of preachy platform.

Oh, and Sarah Palin. We'll talk about her, too. Because she's a hoot.

So, welcome to the big show. We'll laugh, we'll cry, I'll make fun of people, and hopefully you'll be entertained along the way.

Coming soon: Why Robert Pattinson Will Be the End of the World

Until then, don't think too hard.

0 blah blah blahs:

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