
Posted by Phildo | Labels:

I have these damn flies flying around my apartment. I'm not hating anyone for doing what mother nature intended for them to do...but this is ridiculous.

You add a couple of potted plants to your apartment and next thing you know you're on a goddamn nature walk every time you're at home.

Also, it was brought to my attention that I sounded rather conservative in my previous post, I will offer a rebuttal soon. The last thing I want is to be associated with right-wing nutjobs who think that corporations are the bee's knees. Because they are not. I'm not even sure bees have knees, to be honest with you, so that would be an absurd postulation. I guess this is about to turn into my rebuttal...let me just clarify then:

I do not think consumers should be more appreciative of corporations. I just think that if there is not a careful balance (or a perceived balance) between what products and services a corporation provides and the price that a consumer pays for that good or service, you stand to lose as a consumer and as a business. Like it or not, major corporations employ a great percentage of our workforce. If the corporation goes under, so do thousands upon thousands of consumers. Consumers need big and small companies alike to provide them with the jobs that give them money to spend.

'Nuff said.

Now seriously, even I'm thinking too hard. And it's all your fault. Look at you! Thinking on your own. Yay America!

And now...the real bee's knees:


0 blah blah blahs:

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