I Was Right About One Thing in 2010

Posted by Phildo | Labels: , ,

At the beginning of last year I made a proclamation that 2010 would change my life. Out of all the things I thought would happen last year, from me making a magabillion dollars (that's totally a real number) to me winning the baby lottery and getting my own show on TLC, the one thing I didn't think would really ever happen to me...did.

I don't often delve deep into personal matters here but I'm feeling extremely thankful today because of the one most important thing that did happen to me last year...I met the woman of my dreams, and...seriously...get this...somehow I convinced her to fall in love with me.

I had pretty much resigned myself to a life of misanthropy and being generally unloved as a result of said misanthropy....and then, out of nowhere came the one I'd always waited for.

So there ya go, Internet. I'm starting off 2010 on a positive note, happy and in love and wishing everyone a successful decade...and let's just hope that the 2000's don't end up looking like the 80's in hindsight.

Oh yeah and I didn't forget my resolution - this is day 1 folks. Keep on coming back!*

*HA. Nobody comes here.

0 blah blah blahs:

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