Where the fuck is John Galt?

Posted by Phildo | Labels: , , , , ,

Hello internet.

It's been awhile.

And boy...I, uh, don't know how to say this...but you've put on some weight.

Let's see. What's been going on? Where the fuck have I been? And honestly, who and where the fuck is John Galt?

I've been doing a bit of couch surfing as of late, resulting from the fact that none of you guys will give me any money. I've been dabbling in a bit of web development, spending time with my octogenarian grandmother and learning about...farming. What? That's like all she ever did. Who am I to get in the way of nostalgia?

So I've been feeling a little blocked up lately - part of it is because some relatively heavy shit has gone down, and the other part of it is that I haven't had internet for a little over a month (except for times like now, when I'm at a coffee shop). Also I've been eating a lot of cheese. So here it is, some of the verbal diarrhea that's been stored up inside me since my last post. I'll save the actual diarrhea for my porcelain throne.

Things I've Been Annoyed By:

  • The distance between Arkansas and Georgia
  • Delta Air Lines
  • This guy with shoulder length, wet looking hair that just walked into the coffee shop in an all white linen jumpsuit. 
Backstreet Boys Reunion?
  • Herman Cain
  • Hearing people talk about politics
  • Lisps
  • Hipsters (but that's really nothing new)
  • Neurotic tendencies , especially mine
Things I've Been Digging On:
  • This woman.
  • Any non-clothing articles made of leather. I figure the more leather I buy, the more hot female celebrities I can get to do PETA ads with their clothes off. Win/win, right? Sweet briefcase AND naked celebs?
  • The fact that Mel Gibson is an absolute fucking train wreck. I mean it sucks, but he seems hell bent on doing it right out in front of us.
  • The new Kings of Leon CD, "Come Around Sundown" (yes I realize the obvious link between that and hipsters).
  • The new business that myself and the aforementioned object of my affection are starting (details to come, as will I).
  • Positivity
  • The dude in the white jumpsuit from above. Who am I kidding? The fact that he actually exists practically proves the existence of God. A twisted, bizarre and latently homosexual God, but a God nonetheless.
Ah, I've missed being wildly inappropriate with you all. Ha. You all. Hi Phildo! Look! I'm on the internet! Yeah, dumbass. You're the one writing and reading this. Thanks for raining on my fucking parade, chump. 

I promise not to be such a stranger. And by that I don't mean that I'm going to stop hanging out at elementary school playgrounds and public parks in a van, I mean I'll post more. If you'll read more. Of me. Not of some other shit...like...um...websites about shit. Yup.

Hugs! Ew. Stop. I have personal space issues. 

0 blah blah blahs:

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