10 Things I've Learned From Unemployment, Pt. III

Posted by Phildo | Labels: , ,

Part III:
Dress to De-depress

So you've been laid off, fired, let go, axed, hacked, whacked, deep-sixed, butt-fuc...anyway. You're gone. You're funemployed. The first few weeks go by and you learn to adapt to this new and strange way of living.  If you're like me, your collection of sweatpants was either rediscovered or revamped, and a general malaise has begun to convolute your every action.

It's okay to wallow for a week, maybe even two. Take it from me, any more than that can lead to the dreaded spiral of doom. go ahead, get dangerously drunk (not an endorsement for alcoholism, just an endorsement for alcohol consumption as a coping method...um...yeah), cry and yell at your fish. Don't you dare wear normal clothes that first week. It's a little known fact that Ben & Jerry's makes 80% of their profits from women on their periods the recently unemployed. Pull a Big Lebowski and go to the grocery store in your boxers, a robe and some slippers (sunglasses are a must).

Everyone should do this at least once in their life.

However, once you're done wallowing, it's time to get back on track. Job hunting can be pretty different from how movies like The Pursuit of Happyness would have you believe, though I've certainly slept in my fair share of subway bathrooms. No matter if you're doing your job hunting on websites like monster.com or CareerBuilder, or if you're hitting the pavement and slapping prospective employers in the face with a pair of brass knucks with your resume micro-printed on them, it's important not to let yourself slide into disrepair.
Ask anyone who's ever worked from home, or "telecommuted" if you're a dickhead. The temptation to work in your pajamas is unbelievably overwhelming. Studies have shown that workers are less productive when they are in their pajamas at home. This chick over at this blog actually has quite a bit to say on the subject - and practically negates the point of me even writing this, but since I'm not in pajamas right now, I'm not going to let that beat me.

It's true that people thrive if they have a set schedule, just look at Lindsay Lohan (I'm gonna let you turn that into whatever joke you want - she's useless). If you're unemployed, it's easy to let yourself slip into a pattern of sleeping all day and staying up all night. Take it from me. This is especially true if your job had you working unusual hours to begin with. Take this unemployment stuff as an opportunity to put yourself on a regular schedule. Wake up at 7, have a cup of coffee, stare at the wall, then jump in the shower, put on some clothes goddamnit! If you're a dude, put on a suit if you have to. Khakis and a polo or button-down shirt will probably make you feel like you're a man who has something to do. If you're a woman, try lingerie jeans and a pretty blouse type thing. I don't know what women wear.

 Just look at how happy these two are after taking my advice.

Guaranteed you'll start feeling better about yourself, and more productive to boot. Now that you're all dressed and ready to go, and mommy has packed your lunch, submit those resumes and then hit those streets just like Ike used to hit Tina.

This has been me, thinking on your behalf. As opposed to your behole. Because honestly I don't wanna know anything about your behole.

0 blah blah blahs:

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